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SSR-DVV Clarification

Extended IDExtended Profile Deviations
1.1Number of courses offered by the institution across all programs during the last five years
1.2Number of programs offered year-wise for last five years
2.1Number of students year-wise during the last five years
2.2Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI/State Govt rule year-wise during the last five years
2.3Number of outgoing / final year students year-wise during the last five years
3.1Number of full time teachers year-wise during the last five years
3.2Number of sanctioned posts year-wise during the last five years
4.1Total number of classrooms and seminar halls
4.2Total Expenditure excluding salary year-wise during the last five years ( INR in Lakhs)
4.3Number of computers
Metric IDMetrics Level Deviations
1.1.3 Percentage of participation of full time teachers in various bodies of the Universities/ Autonomous Colleges/ Other Colleges, such as BoS and Academic Council during the last five years
1.2.1Percentage of new Courses introduced out of the total number of courses across all Programs offered during last five years
1.2.2Percentage of programs in which Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)/Elective course system has been implemented
1.2.3Average percentage of students enrolled in subject related Certificate/ Diploma programs/Add-on programs as against the total number of students during the last five years
2.1.1Average percentage of students from other States and Countries during the last five years
2.1.3Average percentage of seats filled  against seats reserved for various categories as per applicable  reservation policy during the last five years
2.2.2Student - Full time teacher ratio
2.3.3Ratio of students to mentor for academic and stress related issues
2.4.1Average percentage of full time teachers against sanctioned posts during the last five years
2.4.3Teaching experience per full time teacher in number of years
2.4.4Percentage of full time teachers who received awards, recognition, fellowships at State, National, International level from Government, recognised bodies during the last five years
2.6.3Average pass percentage of Students
3.3.1The institution has a stated Code of Ethics to check malpractices and plagiarism in Research
3.4.4Average percentage of students participating in extension activities with Government Organisations,  Non-Government Organisations and programs such as Swachh Bharat, Aids Awareness, Gender Issue, etc. during the last five years
4.1.4Average percentage of budget allocation, excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation during the last five years.
4.2.4Average annual expenditure for purchase of  books and journals  during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)
4.2.6Percentage per day usage of library by teachers and students
4.4.1Average Expenditure incurred on maintenance of  physical facilities and academic support facilities excluding salary component, as a percentage during the last five years
5.1.1Average percentage of students benefited by scholarships and freeships provided by the Government during the last five years
5.1.3Number of capability enhancement and development schemes
5.1.4Average Average percentage of student benefited by guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling offered by the institution during the last five years
5.3.3Average number of sports and cultural activities/ competitionsorganised at the institution levelper year
5.4.3Number of Alumni Association / Chapters  meetings held during the last five years
6.3.4Average percentage of teachers attending professional development programs viz., Orientation Program, Refresher Course, Short Term Course, Faculty Development Program during the last five years
7.1.1Number of gender equity promotion programs organized by the institution during the last five years
7.1.3Alternate Energy initiatives such as:
7.1.4Percentage of annual lighting power requirements met through LED bulbs
7.1.10Number of Specific initiatives to address locational advantages and disadvantages during the last five years
7.1.11Number of initiatives taken to engage with and contribute to local community during the last five years (Not addressed elsewhere)
7.1.16The institution functioning is as per professional code of prescribed / suggested by statutory bodies / regulatory authorities for different professions
7.1.17Number of activities conducted for promotion of universal values (Truth, Righteous conduct, Love, Non-Violence and peace); national values, human values, national integration, communal harmony and social cohesion as well as for observance of fundamental dutiesduring the last five years