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Program Outcomes

Program Outcomes

Graduates will be able to:

1.      Apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals to solve complex engineering problems.

2.      Identify, formulate, review, research literature and analyze complex engineering problems.

3.      Design solutions for complex engineering problems in view of societal and environmental conditions.

4.      Conduct and investigate the complex engineering problems.

5.      Use of modern tools for solving complex engineering problems.

6.      Apply reasoning informed by society in view of health, safety and legal issues.

7.      Understand impact of environmental context and demonstrate need for sustainable development.

8.      Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities.

9.      Function effectively as individual and team leader.

10.   Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with engineering community and society at a large.

11.  Manage projects of multidisciplinary environments and demonstrate knowledge and understanding of management principles.

12.  Engage in independent and life-long learning in broadest context of technological change.